Thursday, May 24, 2007

Election Season

Today Isabel and I stopped to have coffee and juice at Don Teo's, a hole-in-the-wall cafe on the Escorial on the way to the metro. We sat outside at one of the few tables they have set up. At some point, I heard someone calling someone else and the woman at the next table waved. I looked at her and wondered where I knew her from. What store did she work in, I asked myself? Then it hit me -- she was one of the candidates running for mayor! She's running on the IC-Els Verds platform (Iniciativa per Catalunya/Green Party). She was sharply dressed, as she always seems to be in the pix I've seen of her in the papers and on the TV news. Once, I saw four men in suits and then Imma standing out next to them in a very red leather jacket. And here she was having a simple coffee and chatting with two other women right next to me! She's also married to one of the men who ran for President of Catalunya in November when I first got here.

The rest of the day I couldn't help looking at all the election posters, not that you can't help the posters with huge faces plastered all over town. Later on, I went to my Spanish conversation class, and funny enough, the topic of conversation was the elections, which was great, since I didn't have a grasp on all the parties. Below is, from left to right, Jordi Portabella (Esquerra, Republicana - independistas), Xavier Trias (CIU, or Convergencia i Unío, conservative/nationalists), and Jordi Heuru (PSC, partido socialista, and current mayor). Missing is Alberto Fernandez Diaz (Partido Popular -- PP).

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Trip to Vic

Yesterday Mauricio, Isabel and I took a little side trip to the old town of Vic, the see of a bishop since 616, lies in a wide valley some 60km/37mi north of Barcelona, on the site of the Roman settlement of Ausa. It was the birthplace of the noted philosopher, mathematician and publicist Jaume Balmes (1810-48), who is pictured here in the funerary monument located in the center of the cloister. The town boasts a few examples of modernist houses, such as the Casa Bojons, also pictured. Another curiousity is the considerably restored Roman temple immediately adjoining the Baroque facade of the church of Nuestra Señora de la Piedad. It seems that the remains of the temple were hidden within the Castle of Montcada, and only recently discovered.

The trip was a working excuse to travel. We needed to take a picture of a capital in a cloister of the Cathedral of Saint Peter (11-15th centuries) for Mauricio's upcoming book. [Congrats to Mauricio, who will be publishing a revised edition of his dissertation with a prominent German editorial house Reichenberger-Kassel, based in Barcelona.] With my new handy telephoto lens, we were able to get a snapshot of the capital approximately 20-25 feet from the floor. I am sure this is just the beginning of getting all the images in various places for his icongraphy collection.

See more pix in my Vic set on

Friday, May 18, 2007

De Mar a Mar

Great news! Mauricio just released his new CD with his ensemble Sendebar, entitled De Mar a Mar. Plus, Catalunya Music radio aired a 15-minute program on it yesterday, featuring four songs. Check the website for more information on the CD, audio sample, and where to buy!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Spring breeze, Vilanova

I like this pix. We're on the beach in Vilanova i la Geltru on a windy spring day a few weeks ago. We went to visit our friends Annie and David.