Sunday, February 03, 2008

Carnevale Week

In addition to being Isabel's birthday week, it was also Carneval week (or weeks as the parties are still going on!). It was not unusual to see music and costumed people of all ages all around. There were parades of kids in matching costumes made at school, a Brazilian combo and dancing at the large market, and the usual parade of giants and trabucaires as well.

Isabel too had a lot of activity at school. Every day this week they had something to do: wear yellow shirts one day, painted cheeks the next, hats on another, costumes from home, and then they came home on Friday all dressed up in duck costumes made at school.

On Sunday we visited Vilanova i la Geltru to see their famous comparsas and Candy Wars. Associated groups of people march in pairs. The men have matching jackets and the ladies wear mantas de manila (shawls with colorful embroidery) and a carnation in their hair. Each comparsa has its own band, and marches throughout the streets. When they encounter another group, they throw candy at each other. The streets are full of smushed candy. As it had rained, the streets were slippery but I was told that usually they would be completely sticky. (This keeps the Sanitation Department busy here!). At around noon, all the groups assemble in the plaza, and the big battle begins - approximately 10 minutes of candy throwing and chanting. The spectators on the outside would occasionally get hit as well.

Sendebar Concert

Sendebar performed on Saturday at the Teatre L'Auditori. Their next concerts are coming up in the New York area in May! Check out the calendar: